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dc.contributor.authorديدان, عبد الهادي-
dc.contributor.authorحنيفي, خير الدين-
dc.descriptionIn view of the exacerbation of the drug industry and the danger of psychotropic substances, whether abused or traded, and their spread in Algeria and their impact on all segments of society, especially in recent years within the framework of the legal establishment of a deterrent and preventive system, the Algerian legislator seeks to fill the gaps and shortcomings mentioned in Law 04-18 relating to Combating Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, which had tightened the penalty against public officials involved in the promotion process and established legal guarantees to protect those who report drug crimes before they occur. However, despite this, it did not achieve the desired goal. On the contrary, Algeria witnessed a large spread, especially in the years 2021 and 2022, of the phenomenon of drug abuse and hallucinogens and trafficking in them nationally, with tons of them being seized across the border. The courts of the Republic also witnessed a significant increase in cases related to abuse, trafficking, and offering drugs to others. Especially among young people and even among children in schools and even through electronic media, which led the legislator to search for more effective guarantees to reduce it in an effort to combat crime from its foundations and source, and the Law on the Prevention of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, No. 23, included - 05 dated May 9, 2023 published in the Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, preventive and remedial measures, which are provisions related to developing a new strategy to prevent these crimes in which various state institutions and civil society participateen_US
dc.description.abstractنظرا لتفاقم صناعة المخدرات وخطورة المؤثرات العقلية سواء تعاطيها او المتاجرة فيها وانتشارها في الجزائر وتأثيرها على جميع أطياف المجتمع لا سيما في السنوات الأخيرة في اطار التكريس القانوني لنظام ردعي وقائي يسعى المشرع الجزائري الى سد الثغرات والنقائص الواردة في قانون 04-18المتعلق بمكافحة المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية الذي كان قد شدد العقوبة ضد الموظفين العمومين المتورطين في عملية الترويج وكرس ضمانات قانونية لحماية المبلغين عن جرائم المخدرات قبل وقوعها.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectمكافحة المخدراتen_US
dc.subjectأساليب تهريب المخدراتen_US
dc.subjectالإجراءات الأمنيةen_US
dc.subjectتقييم اداء اجهزة الأمنen_US
dc.titleمستجدات جرائم المخدرات وفق القانون 23/05en_US
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