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dc.contributor.authorاكرام بركاهم, فريد-
dc.contributor.authorبثينة رندة, معمري-
dc.descriptionCurrents The study started from a research problem, taking into account the definition of the forms of power, how they are acquired and distributed within the family and from where they derive their legitimacy (social, social, economic), and asking whether power is unified or fragmented among members of the family as a whole. Has power been affected by social changes? In this study, we relied on the interview tool, which was applied to 10 cases. (Extended families, single-family families, single-family families that do not belong to the region, single-family families that have lost a father or mother). The study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are:The concept of authority in sociology is a concept that explains the nature of relationships within the family, but what is observed is a decline in the forms of authority, especially the authority of the eldest, the authority of the father since the same activities as the grandfather, in contrast to the increase in the authority of the father and the authority of the mother due to the presence of a decisive economic factor (for example, individuals often do not share economically, they contribute to Providing for the family) which leads to the emergence of an authority that counterbalances the authority of the father, and the forms of authority may be affected by place.en_US
dc.description.abstractهدفت هذه الدراسة الى معرفة الســـلطــة داخـــل الاسرة وعلاقتهـــــابالتـــــغيير الاجتمـــــــــاعي:دراسة ميدانية على مجموعة من الاسر في مدينة قصر الشلالة ولاية تيارت مقابل تعاظم سلطة الابناء وسلطة الام لوجود عامل اقتصادي حاسم مثلاالافراد في الغالب لا يتشاركون نفس النشاط الاقتصادي، يسهمون في إعالة الاسرة) وهو ماي يؤدي إلى ظهور سلطة موازية لسلطة الاب، كما أن أشكاللسلطة قد تتأثر بمكان الاقامة وتتأثر بحجم الاسرةen_US
dc.publisheruniversité ibn khaldoun-tiareten_US
dc.subjectالتنشئة الاجتماعيةen_US
dc.subjectالاسرة والسلطةen_US
dc.titleالســـلطــة داخـــل الاسرة وعلاقتهـــــابالتـــــغيير الاجتمـــــــــاعي:دراسة ميدانية على مجموعة من الاسر في مدينة قصر الشلالةen_US
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