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Titre: Investigating English Language Needs of First-Year Business Students at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret
Auteur(s): MECHKOUR, Khaldia
RAFIK, Samia Farah
Mots-clés: English Language Needs
Needs Analysis
Date de publication: jui-2024
Editeur: ibn khaldoun university-Tiaret
Résumé: for Business Purposes (EBP) teaching and learning in academia is increasingly taking the stage in today’s globalized business environment requiring proficiency for effective communication and competitiveness from the part of the business active agents, including academic ones, i.e., teachers and students. Additionally, the integration of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) in Algerian universities, as required by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has been on the spotlight questioning its effectiveness and challenges facing such pioneering project. This study investigates the specific specialized English language needs of first-year students at Faculty of Economic, Business, and Management Sciences of Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret shedding light on the interrelation of EBP and EMI and the prospects they provide for both teachers and students for their academic and professional development. A mixed-methods approach was adopted in the study combining three research tools: (a) classroom observation, (b) structured questionnaires administered to a random sample of 68 students, and (c) interviews with three faculty content teachers. Classroom observations assessed teaching practices and student engagement, highlighting gaps in English teaching and learning practices. Student questionnaires’ results reveal reliance on translation tools by the investigated students in addition to the challenges they face in acquiring specialized business language skills. Interviews’ findings highlight the need for curriculum reforms to better meet students’ specialized English needs.
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