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Titre: شعرية المعراج الصوفي
Auteur(s): فرفار, زينب
بوزيد, الخادم
Mots-clés: الخطاب الصوفي
ملامح الشعرية
Date de publication: jui-2024
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Résumé: شهد الفكر الصوفي العربي تضاربا في الآراء بين المتصوفة حول مفهوم المعراج وإذا ماكان عبارة عن رؤيا منامية او رؤية قلبية باعتبار ان المعراج النبوي عبارة عن عروج حقيقي واقعي انتقلت فيه الروح والجسد معا من الارض الى السماء في حين ان العروج الصوفي عروج روحي يقطع عقبات النفس التي تمنع المتصوف من الوصول .
Description: Arab Sufi thought witnessed a conflict of opinions among Sufis about the concept of the ascension and whether it is a dream vision or a vision of the heart, given that the prophetic ascension is a real and realistic ascension in which the soul and body moved together from earth to heaven, while the Sufi ascension is a spiritual ascension that cuts off the obstacles of the soul. Which prevents the Sufi from arriving, and hence our study, entitled “The Poetics of the Sufi Mi’raj by Al-Qushayri as a Model,” focused on the concept, so that we deliberately examined the nature of the Mi’raj in order to monitor how the Mi’raj was manifested in writing and eloquently by the Sufis as a spiritual journey in which the Sufi makes stops showing how all of this was manifested poetically. Because the Sufi does not reveal, but rather gives nicknames and symbolizes sometimes in a suggestive language and again in a mysterious language. The nature of this study necessitated the use of the historical and stylistic approach in addition to the psychological approach
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