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dc.contributor.authorZOUGARI, Rania-
dc.contributor.authorSEGHIER, Romaissa-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to measure the impact of gender differentiation on middle school pupil's academic performance. We suppose that many factors contributed to affect pupil's achievement at school. Therefore, this fact-finding work valued the influences of gender and other variables on 4th year middle school learners in the classroom. The main goal of this research study was to explore the factors that affect 4th year middle school student's performance, and to make a link between pupil's social background with the distinction that is happening in the classroom. The magnitude of this study is to make teachers, parents, and pupils aware of the reasons behind the gap of performance that is relevant between both genders. To dive deeper through this case, we designed two questionnaires, one for the teachers, and another for the pupils, in addition to an observation. In order to collect more data, we have dealt with different middle schools in Tiaret - Algeria. The results revealed that there are some other hidden factors that are affecting pupil's academic achievement in addition to gender, such as; brain, society, the surrounding (teachers& parents) and gender stereotypes. According to these findings, we recommend that the ministry of national education rethink of single-sex education, and about changing the whole program of education. We also suggest training teachers about how to deal with the learners at the classroom, in order to avoid creating an atmosphere of gender stereotypes since the beginning of the pupil's academic trip.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectgender stereotypes, academic performance, pupil's achiev ement, single-sex education, gender differentiation.en_US
dc.titleInvestigating the Impact of Gender Differentiation on Pupils' Performance.en_US
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