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dc.contributor.authorكراكرية, زهور-
dc.contributor.authorقاسمي, كريمة-
dc.descriptionThe crime of rape is one of the most dangerous and severe criminal acts that have spread in recent times in an alarming manner, and have become a threat to the security of society because of the assault on forbidden sexual relations, honorable honors and human dignity. Where the criminal material act that constitutes the crime of rape includes the act of penetration or unlawful sexual intercourse, which is by subjugating the perpetrator to his victim by force and coercion, i. For this crime, the condition of the victim's lack of consent must be met. By saying the latter, the illegal sexual intercourse negates the crime of rape, and we are in the process of another adaptation of the crime In view of the seriousness of this crime and the extension of its negative effects on the victim and everyone involved in it, it must be addressed by imposing the most severe and maximum penalties on its perpetrators in order to achieve deterrence and rebuke for those with unbridled desires and sick souls, and to spread the culture of reporting and not concealing it for fear of Shame and shameen_US
dc.description.abstractتعد جريمة الإغتصاب من أخطر وأشد الأفعال الإجرامية التي انتشرت في الأونة الأخيرة بشكل ينذر بالخطر، وأصبحت تشكل تهديدا على امن المجتمع لما فيها من اعتداء على الفروج المحرمة والأعراض المصونة وكرامة الانسان. حيث يشتمل الفعل المادي المجرم المكون لجريمة الاغتصاب في فعل الايلاج او المواقعة الغير المشروعة والتي تكون باخضاع الجاني لضحيته بالقوة والإكراه اي بعدم الرضا.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectجريمة الاغتصابen_US
dc.subjectالمتابعة في جريمة الاغتصابen_US
dc.titleجريمة الاغتصاب في التشريع الجزائريen_US
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