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Titre: مبدأ الشرعية الجنائية
Auteur(s): مداح, الحاج
مسلم, أحمد
Mots-clés: مبدأ الشرعية
عدم رجعية القانون
حضر القياس
Date de publication: jui-2023
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون-تيارت
Résumé: يعتبر مبدأ الشرعية الجنائية في شقيه الموضوعي أهم ركائز القانون الجزائي والذي مضمونه ان لاجريمة ولاعقوبة ولا تدبير امن بغير قانون ، ونظرا للأهمية البالغة لهذا المبدأ خاصة فيما يتعلق بتحقيق الامن القانوني كضمانة للحقوق والحريات الفردية في مواجهة السلطة القضائية والذي يعد أحد مظاهر سيادة القانون في الدول الديمقراطية فقد نصت عليه جميع المواثيق الدولية والاقليمية ذات الصلة بحقوق الانسان.
Description: The principle of criminal legality in its substantive aspect is the most important pillar of the criminal law, whose content is that there is no crime, no punishment, and no security measure without law, and given the extreme importance of this principle, especially with regard to achieving legal security as a guarantee of individual rights and freedoms against the judiciary, which One of the manifestations of the rule of law in democratic countries stipulated by all international and regional covenants related to human rights, as all states considered it a constitutional principle by stipulating it in their constitutions and strengthening that by stipulating it within the first articles of their penal laws, and this principle has produced several results that support its role The rule of law is the restriction of the sources of criminalization and punishment in the legislation, the non-retroactivity of the criminal law of the past, the restriction of the judiciary by preventing measurement in the context of criminalization and punishment, and the need for a narrow interpretation of the penal text
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