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dc.contributor.authorلعراب, فريال-
dc.contributor.authorكروم, ليلى-
dc.descriptionThe principle of presumption of innocence requires that a person be treated on the basis Of innocence as long as no final court judgment has been issued against him which resulted in man guarantees, the most important of which is the right of the accused to refrain from making any statement. He is not obliged to prove his innocence as long as the latter is supposed to be in him, this is what many international conventions and penal legislations have approved and this is to protect the rights of defense in general and the right to refrain from making statement in particular. These rights give the accused a great deal of reassurance against arbitrary acts. The Algerian legislator in order to preserve the pillars of the right of defense enshrined in the law, he tried to protect this right during all stages of criminal proceedings starting with the investigation stage until arrival that verdicts of conviction or innocence, this is done by devoting the right to defense and not obliging the accused to prove his innocence or provide any information as long as it is presumed innocent in addition to approving a set of guarantees protecting this right, the first of these is objective guarantees represented in the criminalisation of behavior that threaten this right, these include torture and giving harmful substances, and the second is procedural guarantees that include the correct interpretation of this right by not taking evidence against him as well as the invalidity of the procedural work that violates the right to refrain from testifying if he was assaulteden_US
dc.description.abstractيقتضي مبدأ قرينة البراءة بدعاملة الشخص على أساس البراءة ما دام لم يصدر في حقه حكم قضائي بات بالإدانة، وهو ما نتج عنه عديد الضمانات أهمها حق المتهم في الامتناع عن الإدلاء بأي أقوال فهو غير ملزم بإثبات براءته مادامت هذه الأخيرة مفتًرضة فيه، وهو ما أقرته الكثير من المواثيق الدولية والتشريعات الجزائية، وهذا لحماية حقوق الدفاع بصفة عامة ولحق الامتناع عن الإدلاء بصفة خاصة، فهذه الحقوق بسنح للمتهم قدرا كبيرا من الطمأنينة ضد الأفعال التعسفية.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.titleحق المتهم في الامتناع عن الإدلاءen_US
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