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dc.contributor.authorزياني, بشير-
dc.descriptionThe study of the issue of criminal protection of religious sanctities is considered one of the most important matters, given that these sanctities have a sublime status among peoples. Therefore, legal mechanisms must be strengthened to protect them from any attack, distortion, vandalism, or any image that is considered an attack on the sanctity of religions and their symbols. Hence, the religious sanctities are the focus of civilizations and the factor of their movement, just as the holy places remained close The association with these civilizations has a profound influence on them and is always affected by them, and therefore it is necessary to protect these sacred places in terms of considering them the relics of civilizations and their preserved record, and freedom of worship and religious practice that fall within the human rights that must be assigned to them by state systems and laws for all human beings should be encouraged, and this is only done By establishing laws to protect sacred religious places and symbolsen_US
dc.description.abstractإن دراسة موضوع الحماية الجنائية للمقدسات الدينية يعتبر من الأمورالبالغة الأهمية لما لهذه المقدسات من مكانة سامية لدى الشعوب لذلك وجب تعزيز الآليات القانونية لحمايتها من اي اعتداء او تشويه او تخريب او اي صورة تعتبر مساسا بقدسية الديانات ورموزها. ومنه فان المقدسات الدينية تعد محور الحضارات وعامل حركتها ، كما ظلت الأماكن المقدسة وثيقة الأرتباط بهذه الحضارات بالغة التاثير فيها دائمة التاثر بها.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectالمقدسات الدينيةen_US
dc.subjectالأحكام الإجرائية للحماية الجزائيةen_US
dc.titleالحماية الجنائية لممقدسات الدينية في ظل حرية التعبيرen_US
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