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dc.contributor.authorجعفري, قادة-
dc.descriptionIn Our study, we addressed the topic of immediate appearance issues concerning the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judiciary, as well as its implications for the parties involved in criminel disputes (the accused and the victime), We examined both Order 15-02, which introduced the immediate appearance procedure as a new mechanism within the Algérien pénal code starting from 2016, and the laws, orders, judicial instructions, and regulations that intersect with this procedure. Additionally, we considered the French criminal law since this procedure was adopted from the French legislation.Through this study, our objective was to approach the immediate appearance procedure from a scientific and objective perspective, focusing on addressing the issues that arose from this procedure on legal and regulatory levels. We aimed to provide answers to the main problematic aspects, clarify concepts, and analyze the issues from a precise legal and scientific standpoint. It became apparent to us the significance of this procedure in the Algerian penal code as an effective measure that contributed to reducing the burden on the judiciary and decreasing the number of cases brought before the courts, adhering to the principles of speed and efficiency in handling cases. This aligns with contemporary criminal policies that have a utilitarian perspective, moving away from the traditional criminal philosophy that resulted in complex procedures and a uniform treatment of crimes without considering the circumstances and the requirements of expeditious trial based on the nature of the crime itself. However, this procedure has given rise to a set of issues that require swift solutions, both for the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judiciary, as well as for the parties involved in the dispute, neglecting certain rights and legal guarantees that are fundamental principles in any sound criminal policy. The study concluded by presenting a set of findings and recommendations aimed at finding alternatives to the issues arising from this procedure at all levels, with the goal of improving it and enhancing its effectiveness.en_US
dc.description.abstractتناولنا في دراستنا هذه موضوع إشكالات المثول الفوري بالنسبة لجهازي النيابة العامة والقضاء، كذا اشكالاته بالنسبة لطرفي الخصومة الجزائية (المتهم والضحية ) من خلال الامر 15-02 المتعلق باجراء المثول الفوري كآلية جديدة ادخلها المشرع الجزائري ضمن الموسوعة الجزائية الجزائرية بداية من سنة 2016، القوانين، الأوامر، التعليمات القضائية والتنظيمات التي تتداخل مع هذا الاجراء بالاضافة الى القانون الجنائي الفرنسي باعتبار ان هذا الاجراء مقتبس من التشريع الفرنسي.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectالأمر 15-02en_US
dc.subjectاجراء المثول الفوريen_US
dc.subjectالتشريع الجزائريen_US
dc.subjectالدعوى العموميةen_US
dc.titleإشكالات المثول الفوري بالنسبة للنيابة العامة والقضاءen_US
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