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dc.contributor.authorDELLAL, Benaissa-
dc.contributor.authorKADA, Rafik-
dc.description.abstracthe success of The Sheikh and his TV shows reflects in my eyes one of the ways in which the regime has recovered, for its own benefit, the Islamist identity project of establishing a pious society (Carlier, 1995), in order to contain the politization of potential public spaces by their moralization. However, the online ―buzz‖ of Sheikh Chemsou, who is part of a new ―media visibility regime‖ in Algeria (Mateus, 2014), tends to dilute sacred authority by substituting a ―secular‖ tority for this religious figure. (Ibid .: 268). This is why, the reminder of the social conditions of possibility of this TV show, as well as the analysis of the staging of Insahouni and of two online videos produced from it , will reveal how the "laughter media ‖(Vaillant, 2018: §43) allows us to divert the meaning of Insahouni by its― matrix form ‖which is the parody. The latter ―offers a joyful doubling of the world presented by the media‖ (Ibid.) Which invites a ―general process of self-parodization‖ (Ibid.), Sometimes transforming the mediation proposed by the Sheikh between the regime and society into a breach through which it is possible to loosen the grip of the social and political framework conveyed by the apparent significance of the religious register in Algerian society.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectmedia, speech , tv, Linguisticen_US
dc.titleLinguistic impact on political speech.en_US
dc.title.alternativeCase of study: THE MEDIA LAUGH OF SHEIKH CHEMSEDINE EL DJAZAÏRI.en_US
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