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dc.contributor.authorBOUKHORS, KheiraMouna-
dc.contributor.authorBOUMAZA, Mimouna-
dc.description.abstractThe current research purports itself to investigate students‟ readiness to embrace the new shift in paradigm of teaching/learning, i.e., from face-to-face to online, and this following the lockdown imposed by CoViD19 outburst. Being caught off guard, Algerian universities had, in a very short time, to manage to adapt the educational process for exclusively online teaching and learning. In this regard, we have attempted, by means of a questionnaire and a structured interview directed to students and conducted with teachers, respectfully, to gauge students‟ readiness to embrace the new form of learning via E-learning platforms. The data collected from the two samples have revealed that there is a digital divide in technology access, extensive use of mobile devices, lack of familiarity with Learning Management System software and various preferences for learning environments among the respondents. When examining their readiness for online learning, the respondents rate themselves lower in terms of experience of online learning, time management, self-directed leaning, self-efficacy, online communication and motivation. Besides, technical issues seem to be the most importanthurdles, followed by teachers‟ lack of technical skills (digital illiteracy) and their teaching style improperly adapted to the online environment. This study has highlighted the strong correlation between EFL students‟ attitudes, readiness and successful academic achievements. It ends with limitations and further practical implications.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectOnline teaching/learning, E-learning platforms, readiness, autonomy, technical skills, digital il/literacyen_US
dc.titleInvestigating Students’ Readiness to Embrace Autonomous Learning in the Era of CoViD 19 Pandemic: IbnKhaldoun University Students as a sampleen_US
Collection(s) :Master

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