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dc.contributor.authorZENDAG, Nacera-
dc.contributor.authorTOUM, Amina-
dc.description.abstractThe Study at hand investigates Measuring the Impact of Ego-centrism as an Intercultural Notion on Foreign Language Learning. It examines the extent to which foreign language learners are egocentric towards their classmates; it further questions whether the teachers of foreign languages are inter-culturally competent. In this respect, the research takes foreign language learners and teachers as a sample, particularly, French and English faculties of Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret. The investigation was carried out based on the relevant literature and data obtained through a mixed method approach i.e. both qualitative and quantitative approaches, using different research methodologies mainly a questionnaire addressed for students and an interview administered to teachers. The results revealed that students‟ willingness and interest are higher to a large extent towards learning the foreign language and culture, since their relationship is indivisible, additionally, for a student to be interculturally competent s/he has to be taught by teachers who are interculturally competent for a better process of cross cultural and intercultural communication. Further, egocentrism is deeply rooted among our sample; in parallel ICC competence is absent.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectEgocentrism, Cross-cultural communication, Intercultural communication, ICC.en_US
dc.titleMeasuring the Impact of Ego-centrism as an Intercultural Notion on Foreign Language Learning. Case study: University of Ibn Khaldoun Tiareten_US
Collection(s) :Master

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