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dc.contributor.authorGana, Yousra-
dc.contributor.authorBen Bakhti, Mohammed Djalal-
dc.description.abstractThe great development of technology around the has led to the development and change ofmost areas of life and one of the most important of these areas is the field of Education.The word Technology is twofold; the first is the word TECHNE which is a Greek term meaning skills and arts, and for the second which is LOGIES meaning lessons or science, and from the above, we can deduce the meaning of Technology is science of skills or Techniques.The purpose of this study is to investigate what is the importance of using Technology in Education, and see whether all learners can or prefer using technology in education.A descriptive research employed to conduct this research in order to knowing how can this science impacts teaching learning process with using Questionnaire as tools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectDistance learning- virtual classes- online learning – virtual processen_US
dc.titleEducation and Modern Technologies: Positive and Negative Impacts of Virtual Classes Case Study: Third Year Learners and Teachers at Boutaleb Mohammed SecondarySchoolen_US
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