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dc.contributor.authorعلواش, فاطمة-
dc.contributor.authorبلقاسم, عبير-
dc.descriptionThe system of incentives in institutions in general and services in particular is one of the most important factors on which the best utilization of the human resource is based, as it is based on a set of laws and standards. Which varies from one institution to another according to the nature of the activity, and this study aims to highlight the reality of the incentive system in public service institutions and shed light on the performance of the worker and the achievement of job satisfaction, as it is considered one of the most important actors that contribute to achieving the objectives of the institution, and the importance of the subject has been highlighted And its objectives and addressing the most important theoretical entrances to it, and the study focused especially on the municipality of Ain Bouchekif - In Tiaret, the descriptive analytical method was used, and the field study lasted for a week. The sample was selected through the quota sample, and it consisted of 63 workers distributed among the three departments in the municipality. The questionnaire and observation were used as tools to collect data from the field, leading to the general results represented in that The incentive system affects the public institution and that material incentives contribute to improving the performance of employees, and moral incentives have a role in achieving job satisfactionen_US
dc.description.abstractنظام الحوافز في المؤسسات بصفة عامة والخدماتية خاصة من أهم العوامل التي يرتكز عليها الاستغلال الافضل للمورد البشري باعتباره يقوم على مجموعة من القوانين والمعايير التي تختلف من مؤسسة الى اخرى حسب طبيعة النشاط ، وتهدف هذه الدراسة الى ابراز واقع نظام الحوافز في المؤسسات الخدماتية العمومية وتسليط الضوء على أداء العامل وتحقيق الرضا الوظيفي.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectالرضا الوظيفيen_US
dc.subjectالاداء الوظيفيen_US
dc.subjectالمورد البشريen_US
dc.titleنظام الحوافز في المؤسسة الخدماتية العمومية -دراسة ميدانية ببلدية بوشقيفen_US
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