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dc.contributor.authorAzza, DJENANE-
dc.contributor.authorCHEDDAD, Fatima-
dc.description.abstractLearners are required to read in order to acquire knowledge, however reading frequency varies from males to females depending on some factors. Many EFL learners face difficulties in front of a printed material and seem to face gender related reading problems in English Language. Therefore, the present study is an investigation to highlight female related reading difficulties compared to males. For this purpose, the case of third year EFL learners at Aisha-Um-Mumenin Middle School -Tiaret- was chosen and a combination of quantitative and qualitative tools were adopted for the data collection. The main results revealed that there are gender related reading difficulties which drive males to perform poorer than females in reading. Thus, it is advised that different reading materials and extensive reading sessions should be allocated to pupils at this level.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectEFL learners, Extensive reading, Gender, Reading frequency, Reading difficulties.en_US
dc.titleInvestigating Gender-based Language Disorders while learning the Reading skill among EFL Learners The case of 3rd year Middle school pupils “Aisha Um-Al-Mumenin middle school –Tiaret-”en_US
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