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dc.contributor.authorولد رابح, كاتيا-
dc.contributor.authorقبسي, هبة وئام-
dc.descriptionThe issue of self-care for people with intellectual disabilities is an important subject in their daily life because it expresses their autonomy and their social adaptation. The mentally handicapped child suffers from deficiencies in various domains, and the domain of self-care is the most important, because any deficiency in this aspect will affect the rest of the other aspects of the child's life. Where he loses his self-confidence, and recently the interest of specialists in the field of disability has begun to study this issue and design effective programs for the training of people with intellectual disabilities. The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the modeling method in improving the mental abilities to develop certain independent behavioral skills represented in the independent functions related to eating, dressing and hygiene in children. With moderate mental impairment. Thus, the problem of the study was positioned in a set of questions, and based, on which the hypotheses were formulated, the main question being the following: - How to develop certain autonomy skills, represented by autonomous behavioral skills, in moderately mentally handicapped children? In response to this question, the following hypothesis was formulated: It is possible to develop some autonomy skills represented in the autonomous behavioral skills of moderately mentally handicapped children using the modeling method. This hypothesis is divided into: - It is possible to develop the autonomous functions related to food and clothing in moderately mentally handicapped children using the modeling method. - It is possible to develop the functions of autonomy related to hygiene in moderately mentally handicapped children using the modeling method. The study sample consisted of four cases (men) who were students at the psychological and pedagogical center for the mentally handicapped in the state of Tiaret (municipality of Tiaret). Their ages ranged from (08 to 15) and their IQ ranged between (26 to 52) which was determined from the man's drawing test as it was identical to what was stated in their records (self-medical ). the experimental approach was used as the most appropriate and the case study was based on an experimental group One to measure the degree of self-independence of their independent behavioral skills (pre-measurement), based on the self-care skills scale composed of two domains which includes 36 items, then the therapeutic modeling program was applied for a period of two and a half months. We applied (postmeasurement), and the results of the study were as follows: - The application of a modeling program based on a set of autonomic behavioral skills led to efficiency in the development of certain autonomic functions related to food, clothing, hygiene and public safety in moderately mentally handicapped children.en_US
dc.description.abstractيشكل موضوع العناية بالذات لدى المعاقين ذهنيا موضوعا هاما في حياتهم اليومية باعتباره يعبر عن استقلاليتهم وتكيفهم الاجتماعي ، ويعاني الطفل المعاق ذهنيا من القصور في مختلف المجالات ويعتبر مجال العناية بالذات هو الأهم حيث ان اي قصور في هذا الجانب سيؤثر على باقي الجوانب الأخرى في حياة الطفل ، حيث يفقد ثقته بذاته.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة ابن خلدون-تيارتen_US
dc.subjectمهارات العناية بالذاتen_US
dc.subjectالأطفال المعاقين ذهنياen_US
dc.titleمامدى فعالية برنامج النمذجة في تنمية بعض مهارات العناية بالذات لدى الأطفال المعاقين ذهنياen_US
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