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Titre: Examining formative Assessment for learning Incarnation in Algerian Secondary Education Textbooks: A content Analysis of 3rd Year Textbook (New prospects)
Auteur(s): ZITOUNI, Rekia
Mots-clés: Formative assessment, Algerian Textbook, EFL context, learners, Secondary school
Date de publication: 10-jui-2023
Editeur: Université IBN KHALDOUN- Tiaret
Résumé: This study attempts to evaluate the formative assessment incarnation in Algerian secondary textbooks by investigating whether the activities included in the textbook address the formative assessment and whether these activities meet both teacher ‘s and learner’s needs and help enhancing their learning .19 teachers from different high schools in Tiaret took part in this study. Two research tools were used to conduct this study: a content analysis of the textbook “New Prospects “(activities of each unit) and a questionnaire for secondary school teachers. The analysis of “New Prospects “shows that the textbook includes some activities that address formative assessment; however, these activities do not fully meet the learners’ needs as they have not a specific objectives. The questionnaire directed to teachers shows that they are not satisfied with the activities that address formative assessment in the textbook. They consider that these activities are unhelpful because they are not presented well and not targeted.
Description: L’évaluation formative a un grand impact sur l’apprentissage de l’élève, car elle permet aux enseignants de connaitre le niveau d’apprentissage de chaque élève. Cependant, ce type d’évaluation ne suscite pas beaucoup d’intention de la part des élèves et des enseignants. Cette étude vise à examiner l’étendue de l’utilisation de l’évaluation formative pour l’incarnation de l’apprentissage dans le manuel scolaire secondaire Algérien.
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