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dc.contributor.authorGhrib, Asma-
dc.contributor.authorToumi, Khadidja-
dc.description.abstractLearning is regarded as a social activity , a student learns not only from the teacher and the curriculum or only in the classroom, but also from many other sources: technology, media, peers, and society in general. The present study aims at investigating the impact of socio-cultural environment on students’ oral outcomes and to determine to what extent it can assist or hinder students to improve their oral performance and speaking skill. To this end, seventy six first year students of English at the University of Ibn Khaldoun, Tiaret enrolled in an online questionnaire and six oral expression's teachers from the aforementioned University . This study is based on qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine data collected from the research tools. Accordingly the data was collected through online questionnaire and online interview. Therefore, the findings of the study indicated that students’ socio-cultural background has a significant and positive influence on their oral fulfilment and there is a correlation between the students’ level in oral , second language learning and socio-cultural environment .en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectSocio-cultural Environment_ Oral Performance _ Impact_ Home Background_ Out-of-class Activities.en_US
dc.titleSocio-cultural Environment and its Influence on Learners Oral Performance : a Case Study of First Year LMD Students of english UNIVERSITY OF IBN KHALDOUNen_US
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