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Titre: الأدب الشعبي الجزائري في كتابات الجزائريين مقاربة في الخصوصيات والاتجاهات
Auteur(s): سايبي هاجر
بوخادية حكيمة
Mots-clés: الادب الشعبي الجزائري
اشكال التعبير
الشعر الشعبي
Date de publication: 2-jan-2023
Editeur: جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت كلية الآداب و اللغات
Description: In this study, we have touched upon the approach of popular literature as a branch of heritage associated with experiences, knowledge, feelings and humanity, which is available to man in large and diverse forms of expression that express pride in society and awaken its vigor and strength and confirm its existence and status, mentioning the concept of Algerian popular literature in its various directions (social, historical, semiotic), and finally we conclude from the above that the contributions of Algerian writers have traced the achievements of popular poetry as a result of their efforts and creativity, they have achieved a prestigious position in their literature despite all the difficulties.
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