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Autre(s) titre(s): destiné aux étudiants 1ére années master SNV.
Auteur(s): Dr.Mansouri, Dou El Kefel
Dr.Yezli, wassim
Mots-clés: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, linear regression, , CNN.
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: Who Should Read This Manuscript ?: This manuscript is intended for an audience with a basic understanding of biology or medicine, mathematics, and also programming. Approaching this manuscript without this context is possible, but probably more challenging. The manuscript may also be of keen interest to academics as it presents a set of python language source codes for each AI method presented in the manuscript. What’s In This Manuscript ?: The manuscript is divided into four parts, and each part consists of several chapters. Part I : is an introduction to biology and medicine and their challenges in the twenty-first century. This part also presents an introduction to artificial intelligence and its contributions to these two fields. Part II : introduces the concept of Image Processing. It consists of three chapters including, the image formation, image digitization and basic image processing algorithms. Part III : introduces the concept of Machine Learning. It consists of six chapters including, classification, regression, clustering, deep learning, object recognition, and dimensionality reduction. Each of the aforementioned part ends with the reference section. Part IV : is a gallery of applications.
Collection(s) :دروس ومحاضرات كلية العلوم الطبيعة و الحياة

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