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dc.contributor.authorSAADOUNE, Bouchra-
dc.description.abstractThe present research work is intended to study language loyalty in Tiartian speech community with reference to Berber speakers, it aims to investigate the Berber minority group living in Tiaret because this group has its own language variety which consists various distinctive varieties which are totally different with other language varieties that exist in Tiaret speech repertoire. It will also shed light on language attitudes, language preferences that play an important role in the speech community. The purpose behind this study is to know whether a minority group of Berber speakers who live in Tiaret are loyal to their mother tongue or use other languages that are existed in Tiaret speech community; it also tends at analysing their attitudes towards languages used in this community i.e. Algerian Arabic, French and Berber. The study attempts to explain how Berber speakers communicate and use different language varieties, we will also highlight the sociolinguistic situation of Algeria. In order to collect data, several research instruments were used, these instruments include a questionnaire and an interview directed to Berber speakers in Tiaret community; the obtained results were analysed and interpreted. The findings showed that this category of people has a strong correlation and attachment to their native language, we may also say that members of this minority speech group express their loyalty to the Berber (Tamazight) language and culture throughout their language use and preference during specific and different situations.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectLanguage loyalty, speech community, Berber, attitudes, the mother tongue, daily conversation.en_US
dc.titleInvestigating the language loyalty In Tiartian speech community with Reference to Berber speakersen_US
Collection(s) :Master

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