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Autre(s) titre(s): The case of second year master’s students of English at Ibn Khaldoun University of TIARET
Auteur(s): BOUGHARI, Djamila
TRIKI, Fatima zohra
Mots-clés: Speaking skill, classroom interaction, students, teachers, communicative, English language.
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: The present work attempts to discover the effectiveness of classroom interaction in developing students’ English language speaking skill, since the purpose behind learning any language is to speak and communicate. Classroom interaction can be an appropriate pedagogical strategy to reach that goal. This study shed light on speaking skill and its importance and how it can be improved among students. It investigates how the classroom interaction can enhance the communicative exchanges between teachers and learners. The research main focus was to demonstrate that the classroom interaction is the best strategy used to develop learners’ speaking skill; through the analysis of the students’ questionnaire that was conducted with Master two English students of IBN KHALDOUN University of TIARET during the academic year 2019-2020, and the teachers’ interview which is conducted with English teachers at IBN KHALDOUN university of TIARET. The findings of the results have revealed that both learners and teachers consider classroom interaction as an important strategy in improving the speaking skill.
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