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dc.contributor.authorمقدود, فريدة-
dc.descriptionIn the last two centuries the Arab and Islamic world has known many intellectual movements that have worked to advance and push it out of the state of backwardness and weakness in which its societies are living as a result of the foreign ideas of the western world as a result of globalization and its remnants; which affected the behavior of the Muslim individual, his personality and his national identity, so these movements differed in diagnosing this pathological condition and the treatment that would solve it according to the approach by every current . Among these in intellectual movements, a current emerged that called for the establishment of an Islamic civilization that had its own condition stemming from our culture and religion in order preserve cultural and religious principles and values. Within this current we find the Algerian thinker Malik bin Nabi, who contributed greatly through his ideas today to preserving the national character imbued with values Islamic, because Islamic mind today are facing extraneous ideas and behaviors about his Islamic customs, traditions and culture, and this is because he imported different cultures that affected his national character. And our article will come to talk about these contributions. Key words : Malik bin Nabi, national identity.en_US
dc.description.abstractيعالج المقال موضوع الهوية الوطنية في فكر مالك بن نبيen_US
dc.publisherملحقة قصر الشلالةen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesالمجلد 4 العدد 1;-
dc.subjectهوية مالك بن نبيen_US
dc.titleالهوية الوطنية في فكر مالك بن نبيen_US
Collection(s) :المجلد الرابع / العدد 1

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