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dc.contributor.authorBOULAZA, Maroua Anissa-
dc.contributor.authorKOUADRIA, Hanane-
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation is intended to investigate the illegal immigration in Algerian society presented in Algerian Rai Music having two main objectives; the study aims first, to explore the hidden messages of these songs. Second, it aims to look at the ideologies defended by the singers. For this purpose, two(2) AlgeriansRai music were gathered to serve as a corpus for the study. It relies on Fairclough’sCritical discourse analysis approach. The analysis of the song lyrics was divided into two main parts at level of the textual analysis including vocabulary and grammar section then social practice relating the topic with the Algerian society. The study is qualitative in nature because it is concerned with qualitative phenomenon, therefore; the results are interpreted through a qualitative content analysis as an attempt trying to reveal the ideologies and messages hidden in the songs. The results of the present study show that the singers vary between three linguistics choices: Modern Standard Arabic, French language, and Algerian Dialectal Arabic for native and colonial reason and to convey the meaning to a certain category of people. The ideologies defended are illegal immigration and their beliefsof not belonging to the country. When relating these ideologies with Algerian context it is shown that these ideologies contradict the Islamicprinciples.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-en_US
dc.subjectIllegal immigration, Rai Music, Lyrics, Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis.en_US
dc.titleUsing Critical Discourse Analysis to Unveil the Ideology of Illegal Immigration in Algerian Songs.en_US
Collection(s) :Master

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