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Titre: Lexical Innovation among Younger Generation Speech from a Gender -based Analysis.
Autre(s) titre(s): Case Study of Second Year BMD Students at Tiaret University
Auteur(s): AOUIMEUR, Hadjer Ahlem
Mots-clés: Lexical innovation, Language change, Youth, Age, Gender, Neologism.
Date de publication: 2019
Editeur: Université Ibn Khaldoun -Tiaret-
Résumé: Within a sociolinguistics scope, lexical innovation among youth has been a subject that inspired researchers, in the sense that new words vary according to regional boarders and social variables, mainly age and gender. The present work puts into examination youth innovative linguistic productions among Tiaret university students. The focus of this research is to investigate to what extent do teenagers coin new words and identify the motives leading to linguistic innovation. The findings from this research provide evidence that the act of using new words by youth in their daily conversations is done on purpose, i.e. it is due to a number of reasons as well as, the apparent role of social media and the globalized era which cannot be ignored in the diffusion of such words and phrases.
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